SSH Over Proxy

Linux Based Git Usage and Operation Guide installed. Also, Ubuntu updates often wreck the VirtualBox Guest Additions settings. If folder sharing stops working after Ubuntu update, reinstall Guest Additions. Steps to share a folder between windows and Linux: Make sure the Virtual Machine is shut down. Create a folder on the windows machine, for example c:\linux-share Git - Texas Instruments Wiki Dec 02, 2011 社内Proxyに阻まれていろいろ捗らない人のためのTips - Qiita またOSは主にLinux(CentOS,Ubuntu)ですが、Windows+Cygwinの話もたまにします。 ProxyのServerとPortは、proxysrv:port。ProxyのIDはid、Passはpassと表現します。 適宜読み替えてください。 注意事項. 全て自己責任でお願いします。 Connect to your Git repos with SSH - Azure Repos

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May 21, 2014 Connect with SSH through a proxy - Stack Overflow I was using the following lines in my .ssh/config (which can be replaced by suitable command line parameters) under Ubuntu. Host remhost HostName User myuser ProxyCommand nc -v -X 5 -x proxy-ip:1080 %h %p 2> ssh-err.log ServerAliveInterval 30 ForwardX11 yes Configure Git to use a proxy · GitHub

then you are connecting to the git server using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. In the old days, this used to be a dumb protocol, but since git 1.6.6 it uses a smart protocol similar to that used by SSH or GIT.

社内Proxyに阻まれていろいろ捗らない人のためのTips - Qiita またOSは主にLinux(CentOS,Ubuntu)ですが、Windows+Cygwinの話もたまにします。 ProxyのServerとPortは、proxysrv:port。ProxyのIDはid、Passはpassと表現します。 適宜読み替えてください。 注意事項. 全て自己責任でお願いします。 Connect to your Git repos with SSH - Azure Repos